Monday, January 23, 2017

Finding and working with Familiar Spirits and the Fetch

The true power of the wytch lies not in the wytch…but in the company he or she keeps. The wytch is a mediator between the physical world and the wyrd spiritual world beyond the veil. There is a long history of wytches using familiar spirits to do their bidding. In truth it’s more of a mutual relationship between the wytch and spirits than a wytch “using spirits for their bidding”. It’s a give and take relationship filled with agreements, understandings, trust, and emotional attachment just as any other relationship between two human beings.

The Use of Familiar Spirits for Divination and Protection

Familiar spirits are very powerful beings. They can aid as a powerful divination tool by telling you what’s really going on in a situation. There are few places they can’t travel and few things they can’t learn, for most normal people will not notice them present. Because they are spiritual creatures, they are not subject to time as we are. So looking into the past or future is much easier using their assistance than pulling out the old tarot cards. Once the relationship is built strongly, they will want to keep you safe from harm as any true friend would. They are very quick to warn you of troubles ahead, especially if that trouble involves magickal attack from an enemy or negative spiritual entity. I have had several instances where my fetch has come to me and showed me that someone was doing negative spell work on me in real time. She showed me what they were doing, how they were doing it, and what they were trying to achieve. I could literally see the curse being done in real time through my fetch’s eyes.  So in this way, familiar spirits are your biggest protectors and defense against harm, especially magickal attack.

Every Good Deed Has Its Rewards

Just as you would expect to get paid for a job well done, so does familiar spirits. Every now and then there are exceptions. There are times my Fetch will do things and not request any favor, but typically there is an exchange of offerings. One of the main things familiar spirits request is Red Meal. Red meal is a mixture of red wine and dark wheat bread mixed together. I’ve found my spirits love pumpernickel bread and homemade elderberry wine. When I don’t have elderberry wine, my go to choice tends to be Livingston Red Rose wine. But those are what my spirits like, yours may ask for something different. The Red Meal is made by doing a ritual called the Housle. There are several versions of a housle already available online and we need not go further into that at this time.

There are other things that a familiar spirit may request. They may want you to obtain an item for them. This could be a certain stone, a feather, picture, or anything that they would like. Now understand this is a request, and you can make a deal with them. If a friend asks you for something you think may be a little unreasonable, you would not feel bad negotiating with them and coming to an agreement that will make you both happy. This can be done with a familiar as well.

The Eidolon

Every familiar spirit and your fetch will require an eidolon. An eidolon is an engraved image or statue that your spirit resides in. Every familiar I’ve worked with, including my fetch has an animal association. Familiars seem to keep their animal form, but the fetch shifts between animal and human form. Eidolons of the corresponding animal form is ideal for the spirit. It’s a form they are comfortable with and identify with. I’ve learned over the years that the best eidolon is one of natural material, wood or stone being best. My fetch did take of residence in your typical resin cast statue from a craft store, however, she continued to complain about it. Next I bought her cast iron figure which she like better, but still was not completely satisfied. Spirits tend to not care for iron. Now I have her in a wooden statue which she loves. My other familiar still stays in his resin statue and has no problem with it as long as it stays high on a shelf for him to see the entire room. So it depends on the spirit, what they like, and what they ask for.

I’ve once seen someone online speaking about how he keeps his familiar spirits stored in jars with the lids screwed tight, and he takes them out when he wants to release them to do work. I dare not speak what’s right for all, but from my experience, my spirits would not have that. They enjoy being free and existing in a loving environment where they are treated as equals and not as minion being stored away like some genii in a bottle. Who would want that type of existence?

The Fetch

Ah the beloved Fetch…the wytch-mate. So many people have asked me how to find their fetch, or what I may think their fetch beast is.  The truth is I don’t know how to tell someone how to find their fetch…I can tell you how I found mines. I can also tell you what a fetch is. Because the relationship between an individual and a fetch is so personal, there is a lot you will need to work out for yourself. I don’t know your fetch, as I shouldn’t. You should keep all personal information about your fetch to yourself. If you do decide to share information on your fetch, make sure it’s with those you completely trust. If an enemy finds out the name of your fetch, and is a skilled enough occultist, they could hold some serious power over you. So keep it safe…and keep silent.

The fetch is a part of you. Your true soulmate. He or she is the other half of you which makes you whole again. We like to think of our significant other as our soulmate, as romantic as that may sound, your soulmate is a spiritual part of you. It should, technically speaking, appear as the gender you are attracted to. As an example, for a straight male the fetch would typically appear female. A fetch could also appear androgynous depending on sexual preference.

Spiritually speaking, we are attracted sexually to what makes us whole, our opposite energy, despite our physical sexual gender. In the spiritual world, gender is more a mixture of masculine and feminine energies. It’s not as physically defined as our definition of physical gender in this plane of existence. The more electrically charged a spirit’s vital energy is the more it will appear masculine, the more magnetically charged a spirit’s vital energy is the more feminine it will appear. The closer to a balanced between electric and magnetic energies the more androgynous a spirit will appear.

As I stated before, the fetch takes on an animal form as well. They are shape-shifters in a since. Sometimes appearing human, sometimes animal. It’s hard to explain, but in the astral they are both at the same time, yet it seems so natural. They are truly a beautiful sight to behold. Chances are you may have already met your fetch in the past and never realized it. Have you ever met someone in your dreams and felt this intense love for them like you’ve never felt before? They are just absolutely perfect, but they are a stranger you’ve never seen before. You wake up wondering who that person was. You long for that feeling back and want to go back to sleep just hoping to catch another glimpse of them. Chances are if you’ve experience this, it was your fetch-mate. The relationship between a fetch and a wytch is one of pure love. This love is felt by both the wytch and the fetch. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my fetch and there is nothing she wouldn’t do for me. As with any relationship, there are responsibilities. Once this relationship is made, if it were to be ignored, there could be strife between the wytch and fetch. And if you were to do this, that trust would have to be rekindled again. Be ready to throw out some apologies and deal with a grumpy fetch for a while!

It took me years to finally find my fetch. It all happened in a dream. One night she came to me, told me her name, and other things about her (You can see all the details of this dream by reading “The Meeting of My Fetch…The Wytch Wife” on this blog). Over the years she has communicated with me, teaching me more and more about her. I learned what she likes, her habits, what makes her mad, and what makes her happy.  You too can do this….just let go…a listen. Pray to your fetch to come to you. Leave offerings of Red Meal often, at least once a week. Do whatever you can to strengthen your bond. Be diligent and patient. Your fetch will hear you...and your fetch will come.

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