Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The meeting of my Fetch...the Wytch Wife

My protector. My loving owl girl with wide eyes, we have shared so many magickal moments together. I will never forget the first time we met.

As I lay in bed like any other night dreaming, I found myself in a dark cabin in some unknown woods. I could feel the presence of other "humans" around me to my left and right, although I could not see them. We stood in a line, shoulder to shoulder, in the dark room facing four beautiful young girls who were almost in a huddle, debating in their private circle. I saw your head pop up from the huddle and look right at me. The huddle broke as the decisions were made. I heard you say, "Yeah, I'll take this one." And then you looked directly at me and began to walk towards me. Our eyes locked almost in a trance. You walked up to me taking my hand. You said, "Follow me." and turned to the doorway of the room. Our hands broke away from each other as you made your way to the door.

Then the most unusual thing occurred. What I expected to be the woman before me walking to the door, became an owl flying low to the ground. Your wings moving in a slow cadence as your body bounced up and down with each flap, and your talon feet were hanging below your body as all owls fly. I followed without hesitation, but somehow not confused about what was occurring. In this world, it seems so strange to explain how you can be a beautiful woman, and a regal owl at the same time, and yet both aspects of woman and bird separate. However, in that otherworldly place, it seemed so natural.

As I walked outside into the dark woods. I saw you once again as a beautiful woman standing in a clearing. I remember the ground was bare dirt, and trees were around that clearing hiding in the darkness. You once again took my hands....and we danced a dance like no other. It was a dance of ecstatic excitement, of spinning and spinning which lead to a maddening state of ecstasy. My humanity and self seemed to fade away...and there was just that sacred moment...a wedding of wytch and wytch-wife. We were soulmates joined together again, and no love could ever compare to that moment in that wyrd place.

I learned several things about you that night. Yet things were still very vague. I was left with but an image, a name, and a feeling of love most would only dream of feeling once in their lifetime. Over the years you have taught me many things: You have protected me, you have helped me heal the sick, find the missing, and curse the wicked. In return, the offerings are burned and the red meal is placed on your altar. My craft is my arte, and you are my brush, my paint, and my eyes. Without you, there is no masterpiece for the world to behold.

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